
Atty. Christopher R. Bañas

Regional Executive Director

The Department is the government agency responsible for the promotion of agricultural development by providing the policy framework, public investments, and support services needed for domestic and export-oriented business enterprises.

The DA envisions a food-secure and resilient Philippines with empowered and prosperous farmers and fishers. As such, it shall collectively empower them and the private sector to increase agricultural productivity and profitability, taking into account sustainable, competitive, and resilient technologies and practices. Hence, its battlecry is simply: “Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya”

...modernizing and empowering the farming and fishing communities

Programs and Projects

Rice Program

Rice Program

An average Filipino diet is based on rice. It provides half of our calorie requirements and one-third of our protein intake. Rice accounts for 20% of food expenditures for average households, which increases to 30% for households belonging to the bottom third of our society.

Corn Program

Corn Program

Corn is the second most important crop in the Philippines. About 14 million Filipinos prefer white corn as their main staple and yellow corn accounts for about 50% of livestock mixed feeds.

High Value Crop Development Program

High Value Crop Development Program

In 1995, Republic Act 7900 known as the High Value Crops Development Act was created. It is an act to promote the production, processing, marketing and distribution of high value crops.

Livestock Program

Livestock Program

With many of the region's top agricultural commodities coming from the livestock sector, the Livestock Program is one of the priority programs of DA MIMAROPA.

Organic Agriculture Program

Organic Agriculture Program

The program serves as the guide for the implementation of Organic Agriculture activities under the Department of Agriculture and its implementing units.

Halal Program

Halal Program

The efforts in creating a committee focusing on Halal food industry commenced under Special Order (SO) No. 503 s. 2004 for the Department of Agriculture (DA), with a directive to create the DA Halal Food Industry Development Committee (HFIDC), which was signed by then DA Secretary Arthur C. Yap.

Special Area for Agricultural Development Program

Special Area for Agricultural Development Program

The SAAD Program is a locally-funded program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) which aims to help alleviate poverty among the marginalized sectors of agriculture and fishery of the thirty (30) priority provinces.

Philippine Rural Development Project

Philippine Rural Development Project

Six-year (6) project designed to establish the government platform for a modern, climate-smart and market-oriented agri-fishery sector.


Republic of the Philippines

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