The efforts in creating a committee focusing on Halal food industry commenced under Special Order (SO) No. 503 s. 2004 for the Department of Agriculture (DA), with a directive to create the DA Halal Food Industry Development Committee (HFIDC), which was signed by then DA Secretary Arthur C. Yap. The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), an attached agency of DA, spearheading the HFIDC which followed a series of consultation with Muslim scholars coming from different strategic areas such as Cagayan De Oro, Davao City, Zamboanga City and Cebu City, brought about the creation of the Philippine National Fatwa Council (PNFC) as a certifying body in 2005. Although efforts have been placed, the PNFC did not prosper as the Philippines’ Halal certifying body.
As a follow through action, the Philippine National Standards (PNS) on Halal Agriculture and Fishery Products, Halal Slaughtering Procedures for Poultry and Ruminants, and Halal Feeds were formulated by a Technical Working Group (TWG) which was created under Special Order No. 82, s. 2011 issued by then Secretary Alcala. Three standards were created, finalized, and approved by the DA, through the efforts of the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS).
An exertion to disseminate the effective implementation of the Halal Food Industry Development Program to the Regional Offices by designating Regional Halal Focal Persons and their Alternatives was instructed under Special Order no. 409, s. 2013, signed by then Officer-in- Charge Antonio A. Fleta.
To boost the movement of promoting the Halal industry, the incumbent DA Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol signed the Special Order no. 956, s. 2016 entitled “AMENDMENT OF SPECIAL ORDER NO. 853 SERIES 2014 RE: CREATION OF THE HALAL FOOD INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (HFIDP EXECOM), HFIDP TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (HFIDP TWG), TWG SECRETARIAT AND HALAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE (HPMO)”, in relation to Republic Act No. 10817, or the “PHILIPPINE HALAL EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION ACT OF 2016”. The Republic Act decrees the Department of Agriculture to promote and develop the Philippine Halal Exportation by directing and coordinating the standards, monitoring regulations, and application thereof on products, processes, services and its promotion, creation of technical working groups, providing and/or upgrading necessary facilities, establishment and implementation of institutional and human resource development program, and formulation and implementation of a national research, development and extension program; all in support and promotion of the Philippines’ Halal industry in terms proficiency and global competitiveness.
So as to formulate and develop plans and programs for the improvement of the Halal food industry in the country, the Department of Agriculture Halal Food Industry Development Program (DA-HFIDP) will be holding its 2017 Assessment and Strategic Planning Workshop on February 7 – 10, 2017 to come up with Various Activities (Planning Workshop / Assessment / Capacity Building / Writeshop) and plan the corresponding proposal date/s which will be carried out for the year 2017.
A globally competitive and sustainable Philippine Halal agri-fishery sector.
To increase production and market access of Halal agri-fishery products.
Core Values
We commit to good governance, excellence, professionalism, people-centered and continual improvement of the program
Halal Website