With many of the region's top agricultural commodities coming from the livestock sector, the Livestock Program is one of the priority programs of DA MIMAROPA. The program aims to accelerate the development of the poultry and livestock sector by improving its production and increasing the stakeholders' profitability; leading to livestock industry to be seen as an agribusiness venture anchored on food security and farmers profitability.
The Department of Agriculture’s Livestock Programs aim to achieve the following goal:
Ensure food security
Alleviate poverty
Enhance incomes and profitability
Achieve global competitiveness
Increase livestock production and improve livestock productivity to help ensure the availability, accessibility and affordability of livestock products.
Increase the incomes of livestock farmers by providing access to technology, resources, support services and infrastructure.
Ensure the compatibility of practices in the livestock and poultry enterprises with environmental standards.
Work for the global competitiveness of the domestic poultry and livestock enterprises.
Provide a policy environment conducive to the continuing growth and development of the livestock and poultry industry.