Integrated Laboratory Division

The Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) is mandated to: Monitor the incidence and prevalence of infections/notifiable disease present as well as newly introduced diseases and parasites in the different provinces region wide; Control and eradicate animal diseases and parasites through the use of laboratory diagnostic procedures; Offer livestock farmers effective services for diagnostic bacterial, viral, and parasitic disease as well as nutritional deficiencies and other related conditions; and Provide technical assistance on any aspect of animal health necessary for the implementation of control and prophylactic measures for animal protection.

1. Blood Parasite Examination
2. CARD Agglutination Test (CATT) for Trypanosomes
3. Complete Blood Count (RBC Count, WBC Count, Packed Cell Volume, Differential Count, Platelet Count, Hemoglobin Count)
4. ELISA (ENZYME LINK IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY) for PRV (Pseudorabies virus/ aujeszky’s disease), PCV-2 (Porcine Circo Virus type 2, PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus), HCV (Hog Cholera Virus); and CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis)
5. Fecalysis
6. Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) for Rabies Examination
7. Gross Pathology/Necropsy
8. Hemaglutination-Hemagglutination-Inhibition Test for New Castle Disease (HA-HI-ND)
9. Rapid Plate Test (RPT) Brucella, Pullorum & Mycoplasma
10. Simple Bacterial Isolation, Water Analysis and Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
11. African Swine Fever Virus RNA Extraction and Detection by Real- time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)


Republic of the Philippines

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