Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund

The Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF) Lending Program aims to increase productivity of farmers and fisherfolk by providing the necessary credit to farmers and fisherfolk and their cooperatives and associations, and micro and small-scale enterprises, for the acquisition and establishment of production, postharvest, and processing machineries, equipment and facilities, farm inputs and improvement. A maximum of PHP 5.0 Million can be availed by farmer and fisherfolk cooperatives, associations, and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) and PHP 1.0 Million by individual farmers/fishers.

The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall manage the credit facility funded out of the Fund and shall determine the eligibility requirements and set the required loan security or collateral and reasonable interest for the loan.

Loan application can now be availed in a particular LBP Lending Centers nationwide LBP Lending Units (listed below). For any inquiries, the ACEF Program Management Secretariat (PMS), formerly the ACEF National Technical Secretariat (NTS), may be contacted through telephone numbers 922-0930 or 928-8751 to 65 local 2230/2231.

ACEF Website


Republic of the Philippines

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